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grainger helps customers save time and money by providing them the right products to keep their facilities up and running. grainger's customers are 1.8 million businesses and institutions across north america and china. while each customer has a unique facility to operate and a different problem to solve, our customers all share the same requirement: when they need one of grainger's products, they often need it right away. with more than 17,000 knowledgeable employees, the grainger team works closely with customers to better understand their challenges and provide cost-saving solutions. grainger's employees serve customers more than 115,000 times every day through multiple channels. with 2006 sales of $5.9 billion, grainger is a fortune 500 company and a perennial member of fortune magazine's most admired companies list. grainger global trading company is in charge to help headquarter sourcing good supplier and high quality product in china. we have office both in shanghai and shenzhen. with a quick business growth across china, we warmly welcome you to join grainger china and achieve your career success. at grainger china, we offer the competitive compensation package, attractive career growth opportunity, great place to work, etc. if you need to find any further information, please go to visit the websites. 固安捷是北美领先的专业mro用品公司,拥有83年信誉保证,提供设备维修保养产品给各行各业各种规模的企业。mro,是maintenance, repair and operating的缩写,指维修与作业耗材。也可解释为企业生产所需的间接物料。mro采购正日益得到企业的重视,mro采购对整体采购成本控制与节省的影响不可忽视。固安捷全球拥有612家分店、18家配送中心和庞大销售网络,每天超过110,000次向全球180万客户提供近百万种种类繁多的mro产品,帮助他们的设施正常运作并降低客户的采购成本。 2009年固安捷销售额达到62亿美元,全球拥有超过18,000名优秀员工,跻身《财富》500强,并被《财富》杂志评为永久*被尊敬的企业之一。固安捷全球贸易主要致力于为美国总部在中国市场寻找优质的供应商,公司在上海及深圳都设有办公室. 如果您需要更多信息请访问我们的网站: 固安捷全球贸易(上海)有限公司因业务发展需要,现诚意邀请符合所述要求的有志之士应聘职位。 公司提供优厚的薪资、福利待遇和良好的事业发展机会。有兴趣者请将中英文简历、联系地址、电话、近照、email至或将相关资料邮寄至本公司,请在简历中注明期望薪资,并请在邮件标题或信封上注明应聘职位。 为保证您的邮件正确送达,请直接将简历粘贴在邮件文本内发送,不要将简历作为附件发送。


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