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北京总部:北京阳光创译语言翻译有限公司由中国地质大学(北京)的教授和专家发起成立,是一家经北京市工商局正式批准注册成立的专业翻译公司,于2010年9月加入中国翻译协会。公司由最初仅有6人的翻译团队发展至今,历时5年,目前已发展成为一支由精通各语种各专业的翻译人员、译审人员、排版软件应用人员和优秀的管理人员组成的专业队伍。2010年11月,作为中国国际矿业大会的语言供应商,在大会中承担了大量翻译任务。同年受中国地质调查局委托,组织编译了《2010世界矿业年鉴》等系列重量级的地学著作。公司拥有专兼职翻译人员300余名,核心译审人员50余名,翻译和译审队伍由来自斯坦福大学、密歇根大学、迈阿密大学、莫斯科大学、东京大学、北京大学、清华大学、中国石油大学、中国地质大学、北京外国语大学、对外经贸大学、南开大学等国内外高等学府的优秀人员组成,其中80%以上拥有硕士、博士学历。译员均拥有丰富的翻译工作经验以及翻译或行业方面的专业学位,语熟练掌握各国语言特点及行业术语。公司针对不同专业的翻译稿件,调用最专业的翻译人员进行翻译,从而提高翻译质量。从初译到语言审校到技术审校,层层严格把关,确保译稿的准确性。公司自从事翻译业务以来,业务范围遍及美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等世界各地,与众多国际国内大型公司、大中专院校和科研院所建立了长期的合作关系。阳光创译翻译公司助您在竞争中取胜!美国事业部简介:美国事业部于2008年9月在美国俄亥俄州正式成立。该部门最显著的三大特点是:①多语种:该部门自成立以来吸引了众多来自美国、德国、法国、意大利、日本、俄罗斯、印度、菲律宾、韩国、阿拉伯、越南、赞比亚、津巴布韦等世界各地杰出译员,为公司注入了新鲜血液, 充分保证了翻译语种的多样性;②高质量:在译员匹配方面,要求译员既具有扎实的专业背景又要求翻译目标语言为其各自的母语。聘请stephen等大学教授作为专业审阅顾问,在翻译质量上严格把关,该部门译员积极配合北京总部做好译稿的审阅工作,从而极大程度上提高了译稿的翻译质量;③高端管理人才:聘请多位企业管理人才进行公司的管理业务,最具代表性的是具有20多年mba教学理论经验的咨询顾问joseph w. leonard博士,其100多个企业战略制定和管理实践经验对本公司企业战略的制定起着至关重要的作用。联系我们: 人事部咨询电话: 15718853059或+86-10-82865216传真地址: +86-10-52214567转1616简历投递: [email protected]公司网址: www.bjsuntrans.com公司地址: 北京市海淀区五道口华清嘉园13号楼909company profile-beijing headquarters of suntrans:beijing suntrans language translation co., ltd was established by some professors and experts at china university of geo-sciences in 2006. it is a professional translation services provider in beijing with registration and approval of the beijin administration for industry and commerce. adhering to the principle of “integrity-based, client focus”, the company provides quality services to our customers from a number of sectors of the world. the company has excellent translation teams consisting of translators, quality control professionals, typesetting and software application experts and first-class management. it now has over 300 full-time and part-time translators and more than 50 core quality control experts conversant with different languages and industries. the professionals all come from top universities, such as stanford university, university of michigan, miami university, moscow university, university of tokyo, peking university, tsinghua university and beijing foreign studies university, etc. all translators have at least a master’s degree with solid working experience in translation and relevant academic degrees in different industries or translation. they are versed in languages and terms in different industries and can translate accurately; in particular, the petroleum, geology and chemical industries. specialized translators will be assigned to projects in different industries and a strict quality control system established from initial translation to language proofreading and technological check gu-arantees the service quality. since suntrans founding, the business has expanded overseas, such as to the united states, canada and australia. the company has built a long-term cooperation with many multinational companies, as well as colleges and universities. suntrans is devoted to providing you with all the language tools to help your company excel!the united states division of suntrans :the united states division of suntrans was formally founded in september, 2008, and is characterized by the following three features:①multi-linguistic availability:? since the foundation of the us office, we have recruited more and more outstanding interpreters and translators from the united states, china, germany, france, italy, japan, russia, india, the philippines, south korea, saudi arabia, vietnam, zambia, zimbabwe etc. these consultants are committed to providing our clients with a wide array of translation services and are playing essential roles in widely and rapidly developing suntrans businesses.②high-quality translation:? translators and interpreters are matched with projects that are closely related to their specialties, and are assigned to translate source lan-guages into their respective mother tongues. suntrans employs many professional consultants who are experts in their respective languages to review translation dra-fts and strictly control the translation quality. the united states division of suntrans actively cooperates with the beijing headquarters of translators through proofreading and reviewing. in turn, this has greatly enhanced translation quality and efficiency.③high-level management talents:? a number of management talents such as dr. joseph w. leonard, qingjiao yu, and prof. fujiang liu havebeen invited and involved in our company management. dr. joseph w. leonard for example, he has been teaching mba students at miami university while serving numerous companies as a consultant of corporate strategy for more than 20 years. dr. leonard is currently playing a vital role in shaping the business strategies for our company using his rich theories and practical experiences.contact us: human resourcephone: 15718853059或+86-10-82865216fax : +86-10-52214567转1616e-mail: [email protected]: www.bjsuntrans.comaddress: room909,building 13th,huaqingjiayuan,haidian district beijing


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