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贝茨教育是一家以外航空乘面试培训为主营业务的教育咨询公司,致力于为学员提供最及时有效的外航面试辅导培训及相关服务。贝茨是一个朝气蓬勃的团队,我们拥有一批来自阿联酋航空公司,卡塔尔航空公司,阿提哈德航空公司,新加坡航空公司等知名外国航空公司的前任或现任的在职空乘人员,凭借着丰富的外航招聘,培训经历及实际工作经验,开设了科学有效的课程为学员提供最为全面的外航面试培训。我们注重引导学员从自身优势出发,通过对国外航空公司的招聘面试介绍和大量国外航空公司内训实例让学员对外航的要求有更为深刻立体的认识,并以此来帮助学员明确学习发展的方向和目标。同时,贝茨也提供一系列相关的专业面试服务帮助学员解决在面试过程中的疑问,其服务内容大致包括:外航面试信息梳理,面试语言指导,翻译服务,资料整理,人才推荐等…由贝茨给您推荐的外航空乘工作是这样的薪酬待遇年 薪:人民币25万元左右1, 基本工资:每月基本工资为人民币6000-8000元左右。basic monthly salary: usd 1000-1300/ tax free in some countries2, 年终花红:年终花红因航空公司每年的年终财务状况而定。annual bonus: availability upon annual profits3, 驻外补贴:驻外补贴因停留的国家和时间长短不同而不同,每月补贴在1000-3000元左右。layover expenses: meal allowances are paid in the currency of the country of night stop. transport to & from the airport, and hotel accommodation is provided by the company.4, 飞行小时费:每月飞行小时费为人民币10000元左右(按每小时100元,每月飞行100小时计算)。flying pay: is paid on an hourly basis, between chocks off and chocks on. from usd15 to 245, 航班表:班表按月发出,每月最低休息天数为8天,飞行小时为70-100小时不等roster: monthly roster -minimum 8 days off (not simultaneously) flying hours would be approximately 70 - 100 hours per month.员工福利1.带薪假期:每年可享受30天的带薪假期,以及一张免费来回程机票,工作年限完成后,可改签到任何公司航线目的地leave/leave travel: crew are entitled to 30 calendar days leave per year. one firm free annual leave ticket is provided to your country of origin. after certain years of service according to the company this may be taken to any destination within airline network2.员工免费机票:员工和其亲属可享受该航空公司的包括优惠机票和免费机票或指定航空公司的优惠机票。concessionary travel: staff travel benefits on airline can be availed as follows:concessionary travel facilities available for staff and family members- an unlimited number of 90% sub load tickets available on completing probation (6months)-an unlimited number of 50% firm tickets available from day 1 of joining .3.保险:可享受免费的医疗服务以及保险、人生意外保险、社会保险和住房公积金等福利。insurance: clinic looks after the medical needs of all crew. all cabin crew employees are insured on a 24 hour world-wide basis under a life insurance policy which provides for a lump sum benefit equal to 24-48 months basic salary in the event of death due to sickness or to an accident .4. 职业发展:航空公司提供大量全球顶级的课堂和线上学制教育平台,供乘务员提升自身职业素养和发展前景career development: there is a huge amount of world-class job-related training, both classroom based and online. for employee who wishes to undertake further training at their own initiative, they can access online courses via the internet or through the crew learning resource centre accordingly.食宿,交通1.到达驻地,航空公司会发放预支工资,advance money: upon reaching destination, each new joiner receives a certain amount of money. and it will be deducted from crew salary in instalments over given months.2. 航空公司提供免费的空乘制服,以及相关的洗涤服务。uniform: provided by the company and dry cleaned free of charge at designated laundry outlets in base city only.3. 航空公司提供免费的工作餐食crew meal : available on flights with choices4. 航空公司提供免费的精装修公寓,并配有健身娱乐设施,极少数不提供住宿的航空公司将发放住房补贴。accommodation: furnished air conditioned accommodation provided. each apartment block has leisure facilities. you are also entitled to apply for the “live out” allowance5. 机场与公寓的往返交通免费或者给与补贴transport: the company provides transport to/from work and company provided accommodation.6. 部分旅游和购物折扣:可享受部分航空公司提供的旅游、购物和酒店住宿等折扣。discount : entitled to crew upon presentation of company id in duty free shops in the airports ,hotels and other corporates accordingly.如果您心仪这样的一份工作,那就赶快加入贝茨吧咨询电话:028-81430229 / 028-86663164客服qq:2451443992官方网站:www.batestraining.cn官方微博: “贝茨外航空乘培训教育”地址:成都市锦江区春熙路新街后巷子10号三益公商厦1001-1003室(春熙路周大福金店背后)公交线路:21路,68路(红星广场南站下)4路,8路,58路,81路,98路(总府路站下)20路,37路 152路(红星广场北下)


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