
7 .7

  • 北京
  • 少于50人
  • 外商独资
  • 双休
  • 社保
  • 正式合同
  • 赞同


gather health is a global health technology company. we touch doctors, nurse, patients, and their families. in doing this, we are different things to different people. we’re a technology platform that helps providers deliver better care to patients, while increasing their efficiency and generating new revenue. we’re a smartphone application that helps family members fulfill the traditional responsibility to care for their loved ones while living active modern lives. we’re an experience that empowers patients by helping them understand how to be healthier, and provides the psychosocial support to motivate them.
we are based in beijing and hong kong, with operations also in mumbai and new york city. we have a small but growing team and need talented people to join us.

our website: www.gatherhealth.com


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中文名称 北京嘉得医疗科技有限责任公司
企业性质 外商独资
公司所在地 北京
注册资金 135万美元
工商注册号 110000450264543
统一信用代码 91110101396039779Y
组织机构代码 396039779
经营状态 注销
成立日期 2014-08-08
营业期限 2034-08-07



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