ti automotive

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ti automotive面试

找工易简历库共有74个童鞋曾在ti automotive 工作过,目前尚未提供该公司标准面试题和面试流程,如果你知道ti automotive是怎么面试的,欢迎爆料。

ti automotive对职位的要求是:

  • 电气维修工程师:
    机电一体化 plc 电气维修 职责描述:1. 负责全厂电气设备的安全运行,保证生产的正常运行。responsible for the safety operation of electrical equipment in the plant and ensure the normal operation of production.2. 负责编制全厂的电气设备的维护保养计划。responsible for making maintenance plan of electrical equipment in the whole plant.3. 负责编制设备操作指导书,并定期对设备操作的执行状况进行审核。responsible for the preparation of equipment operation instructions and regularly review the implementation status of equipment operation.4. 负责电气设备的故障维修,预防维护,并提供技术指导以及时排除故障。responsible for electrical equipment failure repair, preventive maintenance and provide technical guidance timely troubleshooting.5. 负责设备技术工作,并定期对电气设备故障进行统计分析。responsible for equipment technical work and make statistical analysis of electrical equipment failure regularly.6. 负责电气备件管理,使备件处于良好的储存状态。responsible for electrical spare parts management, keep spare parts in good storage condition.7. 负责设备电气方面有关人员的培训。responsible for the training of electrical personnel.8. 积极参与工艺过程的持续改善。actively participate in continuous improvement of process.9. 积极参与新项目的电气设备的选型,安装,调试验收。actively participate in the selection, installation, commissioning and acceptance of electrical equipment for new projects.10. 直接上级安排的其他工作。other tasks assigned by direct superior
    :1. 大学本科及以上学历,电气,自动化或机电相关专业。bachelor degree, electric, automation or mechanical and electrical major is preferred.2. 至少3年以上电气维修经验。3+ years working experience on machine electric unit repair.3. 熟悉西门子s7-200, s7-1200, s7-300, s7-1500的编程,调试。familiar with siemens s7-200, s7-1200, s7-300, s7-1500 plc programming and debugging.4. 了解ab plc。acquaint ab plc.5. 了解labview, vb的编程,调试。acquaint labview and vb.6. 积极的心态和不断寻求改善的思想。active attitude and improvement idea continuously.7. 良好的动手能力。good practical ability.8. 良好的沟通能力。responsibility, carefulness, hardworking and good communication skill are preferred.9. 熟练使用office办公软件。familiar with the use of office software.10. 能够运用spc等质量工具对设备当机和产品废弃进行分析。good problem solving skill and technical capability with quality tooling(spc, ex. cpk, x-r chart, etc).11. 良好的英文阅读能力;
    能够进行口语交流。both english writing and oral english are good.
  • 电气工程师:
    机电一体化 plc 电气维修 职责描述:1. 负责全厂电气设备的安全运行,保证生产的正常运行。responsible for the safety operation of electrical equipment in the plant and ensure the normal operation of production.2. 负责编制全厂的电气设备的维护保养计划。responsible for making maintenance plan of electrical equipment in the whole plant.3. 负责编制设备操作指导书,并定期对设备操作的执行状况进行审核。responsible for the preparation of equipment operation instructions and regularly review the implementation status of equipment operation.4. 负责电气设备的故障维修,预防维护,并提供技术指导以及时排除故障。responsible for electrical equipment failure repair, preventive maintenance and provide technical guidance timely troubleshooting.5. 负责设备技术工作,并定期对电气设备故障进行统计分析。responsible for equipment technical work and make statistical analysis of electrical equipment failure regularly.6. 负责电气备件管理,使备件处于良好的储存状态。responsible for electrical spare parts management, keep spare parts in good storage condition.7. 负责设备电气方面有关人员的培训。responsible for the training of electrical personnel.8. 积极参与工艺过程的持续改善。actively participate in continuous improvement of process.9. 积极参与新项目的电气设备的选型,安装,调试验收。actively participate in the selection, installation, commissioning and acceptance of electrical equipment for new projects.10. 直接上级安排的其他工作。other tasks assigned by direct superior
    :1. 大学本科及以上学历,电气,自动化或机电相关专业。bachelor degree, electric, automation or mechanical and electrical major is preferred.2. 至少3年以上电气维修经验。3+ years working experience on machine electric unit repair.3. 熟悉西门子s7-200, s7-1200, s7-300, s7-1500的编程,调试。familiar with siemens s7-200, s7-1200, s7-300, s7-1500 plc programming and debugging.4. 了解ab plc。acquaint ab plc.5. 了解labview, vb的编程,调试。acquaint labview and vb.6. 积极的心态和不断寻求改善的思想。active attitude and improvement idea continuously.7. 良好的动手能力。good practical ability.8. 良好的沟通能力。responsibility, carefulness, hardworking and good communication skill are preferred.9. 熟练使用office办公软件。familiar with the use of office software.10. 能够运用spc等质量工具对设备当机和产品废弃进行分析。good problem solving skill and technical capability with quality tooling(spc, ex. cpk, x-r chart, etc).11. 良好的英文阅读能力;
    能够进行口语交流。both english writing and oral english are good.
  • 去ti automotive面试前,请依照以上职位要求做好对照,携带好个人简历以及身份证,毕业证和各类资格证书;


  • *面试职位:
    • 2024年
    • 2023年
    • 2022年
    • 2021年
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