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  • 宁波
  • 5000-9999人
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宁波均胜电子股份有限公司(简称“均胜电子”)成立于2004年,总部位于中国宁波,是为全球一流的汽车企业提供产品与服务的全球化公司。均胜电子于2011年12月在上海证交所上市,股票代码600699。 2011年并购德国普瑞,2014年并购德国ima。通过海外并购,均胜电子让德国的创新能力和生产品质管控与中国公司的资金优势和市场资源互补,实现了全球化和转型升级战略目标。 均胜电子基于在欧洲、北美、亚洲地区的研发与制造中心,实现全球资源配置。企业产品系列包括驾驶员控制系统、空调控制系统、电池管理系统、工业自动化、发动机进气系统、空气管理系统等。其中均胜电子的工业自动化业务为全球第五;空调控制器业务员全球第四;为宝马插电式混合电动车i8 , 宝马电动车i3提供电池管理系统。企业为宝马、大众、奥迪、奔驰、福特、通用 汽车产品一级供应商;均胜电子的战略目标是:成为全球优秀汽车生产商可信赖的合作伙伴,在细分市场上推动驾驶行为的变革,成为客户认可的最具成长能力的汽车电子企业。 ningbo joyson electronic corp. (“joyson electronics”) was founded in 2004. it’s based in ningbo, china. joyson electronics provides products and services for the world’s leading automotive oems.joyson electronics is listed on the shanghai stock exchange since the december of 2011, with the stock code 600699. the overseas acquisition of the preh group in germany in 2011 and ima in germany in 2014 brought the innovation and production quality of a prestigious german automotive supplier. with joyson electronics’ market resources and financial strength, it is quickly expanding its global reach with a rapid upgrade in r&d and production capabilities. joyson electronics is apportioning all its global resources, based on the r&d and manufacturing center in the europe, north america and asia. our products include driver control systems, climate control systems, battery management systems, innovative automation, air intake systems, vehicle air management systems, etc. the innovation automation ranks fifth globally while the climate control systems ranks the forth position. we provide battery management systems for i8, the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle of bmw and i3, the electric vehicle of bmw. our customers are the first-class brand automotive oems, such as benz, bmw, vw, gm.joyson electronics’ strategic objectives are: being a reliable partner to the world''s best automakers, promoting the development of driving behavior in the certain market segments, and becoming a wiDEL y respected promising company in the automotive industry.


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