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youni - 大学生专属文艺潮流app【记录校园美好生活】【认识更多大学伙伴】【参加精彩有趣活动】【畅享学生专属优惠】「专属大学生内容」精彩大学生内容尽在youni!从丰富多彩de大学生活,到五花八门的de文体娱乐,从专业严谨de学术研究,到时尚酷炫de潮流秘籍。在这里,有料,有趣,更有温度。「校友ta在这里」好友算法推荐功能,在youni轻松建联大学同学,关注高校帅哥美女,建立属于自己的人脉圈。「社团组织」大学组织一览无余,实时关注高校组织,开启全新大学社团生活。「企业商家」精选企业商家,求职、留学、考研、科创、潮牌、旅游、培训、考证、租房、网红餐厅等等,一网打尽,尽享大学生特权。「一键参加活动」社团活动和企业活动实时推送,一键参加,精彩活动不容错过。「享受大学生专属折扣福利」领取ypass权益卡,享受更多大学生专属福利优惠!开启全新大学生活,建立属于自己的大学圈,快快加入全新大学生文艺潮流聚集地!youni是一款基于大学生的内容社交平台。用户可以在平台上创造、分享、探索属于大学生自己的内容,并可以通过本校、共同好友推荐等机制拓宽人脉和社交驱动。建立新一代大学生内容平台是youni的使命。通过深度算法推荐和友好的界面设计,用户可以轻松的获取各方面大学资讯和校园同学动态,例如学术类知识,大学信息,大学活动,考研,留学,求职,好物分享,探店,健身,娱乐,音乐,美妆等内容。youni主张建立真实的大学生社群,用户可自由表达真实的自己。紧密的大学社群和高度参与感是youni的价值体现。特有的算法推荐机制和标签化内容促进了社群内容的多元化。基于人工智能和机器学习的技术引入,也助力了youni稳定的用户增长。 youni is a university community platform where users can CREATE, share, explore and connect. most of users are university students. through youni''s splendid features and functions, impressive contents about universities'' life are CREATEd on youni via a wide variety of media, including photos, texts, short videos and audio. youni''s mission is to build a universities life platform for young generation. with its immersive and interest-driven design, users touch on all areas of universities'' lifestyle, such as academics, knowledge, universities'' information, events, eating, fashion, food, beauty, travel, products, fitness, entertainment, etc. youni provides an innovative solution that enables students to express their authentic university lifestyles and ideas. it boasts a tight-knit universities'' community with high engagement, various university life contents, a proprietary algorithm and interest-driven recommendation system based on artificial intelligence and machine learning that fuels youni''s steady user growth.


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