
7 .1

  • 上海
  • 汽车及零配件
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大陆集团致力于为人员交通和货物运输发展智能科技。 作为可靠的国际性汽车零部件供应商、轮胎制造商及工业领域合作伙伴,大陆集团提供可持续、安全、舒适、个人及经济适用的解决方案。2014年, 大陆集团在底盘与安全、车身电子、动力总成、轮胎及康迪泰克五大事业部的共同努力下,初步销售额约为 345 亿欧元。集团在全球员工数量超过 20 万名,遍及 53 个国家和地区。

关于continental 轮胎
世界领先的轮胎制造商continental 轮胎自1871年成立以来,一直以不断创造前沿科技和高端品质体验完美结合的轮胎产品享誉全球,领跑欧洲原配胎市场。continental 轮胎长期致力于提高驾乘体验,遍布全球的24个生产与研发基地源源不断为科技创新提供支持,为乘用车与轻卡、卡车、公交车与工程车以及两轮车提供全面轮胎解决方案。
2006年,continental 轮胎乘用车与轻卡轮胎业务正式进入中国市场,迅速以其精湛的德国工艺和值得信赖的卓越品质独树一帜。今天,continental 轮胎的零售网络遍布全国,凭借融合极致安全与领先科技的轮胎产品组合,为合作伙伴创造价值,为消费者带来无与伦比的驾乘体验。

2014年9月,continental 轮胎正式成为中国足协中国之队官方合作伙伴和官方轮胎赞助商。此外,continental 轮胎还是2015年澳大利亚足球亚洲杯和2016法国足球欧洲杯的官方赞助商。

continental ag
continental develops intelligent technologies for transporting people and their goods. as a reliable partner, the international automotive supplier, tire manufacturer, and industrial partner provides sustainable, safe, comfortable, individual, and affordable solutions. in 2014, the corporation generated preliminary sales of approximately ?34.5 billion with its five divisions, chassis & safety, interior, powertrain, tire und contitech. continental employs approximately 200,000 people in 53 countries.

in 2006, continental tires officially brought its passenger vehicle and light truck tire businesses to china and quickly became a market leader by virtue of its advanced technology and reliable quality. today, with retail networks in every province across china (with the exception of ***), continental tires CREATEs value for partners and brings an unparalleled driving experience to consumers through its tire portfolio that integrates industry-leading technology and the highest level of safety. the continental ag tire business division became the official sponsor of team china in sep.2014, and also the 2015 afc asian cup? in australia and the uefa euro 2016 in france.


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