
7 .6

  • 郑州
  • 500-999人
  • 合资企业
  • 双休
  • 社保
  • 正式合同
  • 五险一金
  • 补充医疗保险
  • 员工旅游
  • 赞同


eic启德教育集团(education international cooperation group)是领先的国际教育领域的知名品牌,全国10大留学咨询机构之一,二十余年来致力于国际教育交流,是中国最优秀的留学服务机构。自二十世纪八十年代中期开始,eic启德教育参与、见证了中国国际教育交流飞速发展的过程,深深了解中国学生走向世界的雄厚潜力和真正需求;并在中国主要城市建立办公室,为数以万计的学生提供出国留学服务。我们的优势:eic启德教育具有雄厚的国际教育资源优势,是澳大利亚、英国、美国、加拿大、法国、新西兰、德国、荷兰、爱尔兰、俄罗斯、新加坡、南韩、北欧四国等国家上千所院校授权的官方招生代表,是美国国务院教育文化总局授证认可的“美国教育咨询中心”。启德教育在全球范围建立了多间机构,形成一个为客户提供国际教育资讯、留学申请、出国前语言培训、国际合作课程、境外跟进、教育展览及其他国际教育服务等全方位的国际网络。目前启德教育已在广州、北京、上海、深圳、中山、珠海、东莞、济南、武汉、长沙、大连、沈阳、南京、厦门、重庆、青岛、西安、郑州、杭州、宁波等城市设立分公司,并在澳洲悉尼、加拿大多伦多、英国诺丁汉等城市设立办事处;我们的使命:让我们的企业成为受社会尊敬让员工自豪的企业;让我们的员工成为最专业的国际教育专家;让我们的顾客成为国际化优秀人才。我们的福利:加入启德,享受工作中带给您的成功与喜悦!我们将为员工提供具有竞争性的薪资,为员工购买五险一金,每周5天7.5小时工作时间,带薪年假,年终奖金,员工生日及节日礼金或礼品,每月员工活动经费,年终优秀员工及团队评选及奖励,优秀管理评选及奖励,年度免费健康体检,每年两次短途旅游,以及海外培训和国际交流机会,员工拓展及团队活动,我们为员工提供丰富完善的业务知识及软技能培训。我们拥有超过1000名专业教育顾问、全球咨询与服务平台、高效的标准运作流程、严谨的质量控制体系、为客户提供1对1一站式留学解决方案;我们计划于未来三年在国内主要城市和国外市场继续扩大服务网络,继续招聘国内外优秀人才,欢迎您的关注与应聘!eic group is a leading provider of international education consulting and training services for over 25 years with a strong reputation as one of the most professional educational agencies in china. we are one of the top 10 overseas study service companies in china. our strong national network of offices provides both our partner institutions, students and their parents with easily accessible services and comprehensive resources. eic group partners with thousands of prestigious education institutions all over the world to provide professional tailor-made recruitment services. we have licensed with major top colleges and universities in usa, uk, canada, australia, new zealand, german, france, holland, ireland, russia, singapore, japan, south korea, and eu as their authorized recruitment representative. we have around 1000 professional education consultants, 18 branch companies in mainland china and 3 overseas offices in sydney, canada and uk which can provide all rounded professional service for our potential clients from language training, overseas study consulting, design and planning, future career layout and advice, prospective college/university application, international education exchange program and exhibition organizing, admission and visa application, overseas studying and living arrangement, guidance and caring. we offer the following core business within china:? one-stop service for overseas study;? international language testing skills training; ? other value-added services(e.g. career planning, degree program admission applicaiton, visa application, leaving guidance, travel arrangement, etc);our services are supported by dedicated and experienced consultant, worldwide service network, efficient operating procedures, strict quality control systems, and 1 to 1 professional overseas studying solutions. we are continued upsizing our business in major cities in china and overseas market, and we are continued hiring the best candidate from domestic and overseas. join us and enjoy the most successful and cheerful environment in eic, you can discover more through our website: http://www.eic.org.cn.


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    12 12 统计近一年职位数据所得
  • -52% 2019年
    +150% 2018年
    -52% -52% 2019年相较于2018年


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