xyz robotics

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xyz robotics简介

xyz robotics凭借领先的人工智能、三维感知和机器人操控技术优势,将亚马逊拣选机器人挑战赛的成功经验转化为成熟的商业解决方案,应用于物流和工业场景,提供高效、准确、易部署的机器人视觉拣选产品及系统设计。xyz robotics技术团队由麻省理工学院和卡耐基梅隆大学机器人学博士领导,公司自主研发的多品类sku播种拣选工作站已于国内头部物流企业应用,效率、准确率全方位超越人工。公司已获得国内头部vc千万美金投资。公司毗邻上海交通大学(闵行)校区。xyz robotics strives to push the boundary of robotic manipulation and perception in the industry. we apply our technology to automate material handling for a wide range of items with speed and accuracy. the company has developed systems to automate the process of item picking and sorting in warehouses and sorting centers. the systems are successfully deployed in leading logistic and retailing companys warehouses. mit and cmu phds in robotics with past stellar track records in amazon robotics challenge lead the rd team. the company is backed by top vcs in china and has received over 10 million usd dollars in funding. the shanghai office is right next to shanghai jiao tong universitys main campus.

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