
7 .5

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远大集团是以建筑幕墙、集成门窗、电梯制造、机电装备、环境工程和工业涂装为主导产业的大型国际化企业集团。历经17年的创新发展,集团旗下现已拥有22家分公司、1万余名员工,在中国沈阳、上海、成都、佛山构建了四个大型生产制造基地,并在中国“沈西工业走廊”建设了总占地面积1.7平方公里的现代化工业园。〈br〉  远大国际铝业集团隶属于远大集团,以中国远大为依托,实现了全球业务资源的整合和销售服务网络的辐射功能,已成功开辟了以美国、日本为中心的高端市场,东南亚市场、欧洲市场、中东市场、澳洲市场、北非市场和俄联邦市场,产品行销全球130个国家和地区。在建筑幕墙业,远大连续九年位居中国同行业第一,产销量连续五年位居世界第一,由远大承建的精品工程已经遍及世界各地。“欧洲第一高楼”俄罗斯联邦大厦,美国芝加哥水景大厦,德国法兰克福航空铁路中心,日本cocoon大厦,北京2008奥运主场馆——中国国家游泳中心“水立方”、国家体育场“鸟巢”等一批全球标志性工程先后由远大承建,2008年10月,远大以17亿人民币的高额价格中标阿布扎比central market redevelopment工程,成为世界建筑幕墙史上单笔金额最大的工程。〈br〉〈br〉2008年12月13日,胡锦涛冒着严寒,在辽宁省委书记张文岳和省长陈政高等陪同下,到沈阳在远大集团考察时,胡锦涛说:“在当前国际市场萎缩的情况下,你们企业的销售额和出口额还有所增加,这确实难能可贵。”(截止目前,远大集团比去年同期增长50%以上。)总书记希望远大集团坚持以质取胜的经营思路,在危机中捕捉商机,在逆境中开拓市场,为远大集团赢得广阔的发展空间。〈br〉  作为一个负责任的优秀企业,我们笃信人才是企业生存之本、发展之源。我们坚决奉行以正风、正气吸引人才,以优越薪酬留住人才,以事业空间发展人才。我们提倡“责任、务实、创新、合作”的团队观,为员工提供和谐的工作氛围,并且鼓励员工“先生活、后生产”,努力给每一位远大人以家的归属感。〈br〉  一个甘于平庸、被动工作的人,永远无法体会开创事业的快乐。我们鼓励积极主动、勇于创新的精神,只要您有坚定成功的信心、有追求事业的执着、有敢想敢做的热情,我们就会为您提供一个广阔发展的空间,提供一个实现自我价值的机会。加入我们,您不是选择了一份工作,而是选择了一个展示才华的平台;您不是选择了一项谋生的手段,而是选择了一种自主创造的生活方式。〈br〉  远大,愿天下真诚人前程远大!〈br〉〈br〉yuanda group is a large-scaled international enterprise group, major in the fabrication of curtain wall, doors &; windows, escalators &; elevators, mechanical &; electrical equipment, environmental engineering and industrial paintings. through the innovation and development for a period of 16 years since 1993, yuanda group now has owned 22 affiliates under its control, with the employees of more than 10,000, and has established four large-scaled manufacture bases in shenyang, shanghai, chengdu and foshan respectively, furthermore, it has also set up a modern industrial park at the industrial corridor in western shenyang, china, which covers an area of 1.7 km2.〈br〉  yuanda international aluminium group is affiliated with yuanda group. with the support of yuanda group, it realizes the resource integration of its world wide business and the network of world wide sales services. at present, it has successfully entered into the high-end markets, represented by the usa and japan, and also other markets such as those in southeast asia, europe, middle east, australia, north africa and russian federation, and its products have been sold and exported to more than 130 countries and regions around the globe. yuanda has ranked top among all enterprises in curtain wall industry of china for 9 successive years, while the output and sales of its products has been the first of the world for 5 successive years. the model projects constructed by yuanda could be found in many places around the world, for example, the main venues of the 29th summer olympic games in 2008, china’s national aquatics center, known as “water cube”, and national stadium, known as “bird’s nest”, which have become one of the most famous landmarks of the world. in oct, 2008, yuanda was awarded the central market redevelopment project located in abu dhabi with the bidding price reaching 1.7 billion yuan (namely 248.72 million us dollars), which becomes one of such projects with the largest single transaction sums in the history of world’s curtain wall industry. on 13th dec. 2008, chinese president hu jintao paid a visit to shenyang yuanda group. accompanied by secretary of liaoning province zhang wenyue and governor of liaoning province chen zhenggao, hu said "it is really rare and commendable that your turnover and export sales are still growing steadily in a shrinking international market." (up until now, the sales amount of yuanda group has grown by more than 50% as compared with the same period of last year). hu hoped that yuanda could continue the strategy to win over the clients through quality products, seek the great opportunity through the financial crisis and explore the new markets for better business perspective.〈br〉  as an outstanding enterprise with a strong sense of responsibility, yuanda believes deeply that the talent is the root for the enterprise’s survival and the source for its development. it attracts the talent by the policy of fair play, and provides them with a broad space for their career development. it advocates the teamwork concept with “sense of responsibility, honesty, creation and cooperation” in order to give the personnel a harmonious working environment. it also encourages the employees to “make their living comfortable first before working”, the purpose of which is to build an atmosphere of home for each personnel of yuanda.〈br〉  a person satisfied with a dull life and working passively will never taste the joy of career creation. yuanda encourages such spirit of activity and creativity. as long as you have firm confidence for success, persistence for pursuing a successful career and passion for putting all your correct thoughts into action boldly, yuanda will provide you with a broad development space and an opportunity to realize your value. joining yuanda, you get not only a job, but also a platform to show your talents. what you choose is a life style of active creation rather than just the means to make a living.〈br〉  may everyone have a bright future!〈/p〉


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