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Global Doctor is an International Health care facility that provides medical and emergency assistance services for Mainland China and the world. Global Doctor has offices in Perth, Australia with Mainland China offices in Nanjing and Beijing. Since 1999, Global Doctor has been offering International standard medical services in their clinics throughout Mainland China. We are proud to be the premier medical clinic and emergency support provider in China.Our mission is to provide our expatriate members with excellent medical care, accessibility to specialist networks, and assistance for hospital referrals and admissions. Global Doctor also cooperates with international insurance companies to provide evacuation and repatriation services for our members through our 24-hr Beijing Alarm Center.8 out-patient clinics now operate in Shenyang, Changsha, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dongguan, Guangzhou and Nanjing. We are completing clinic expansions to Shanghai (Puxi and Pudong), DaLian, and Tianjin. Global Doctor also, operates special corporate on-site clinics for Intel, Siemens, Wetherford, Nokia and several International schools. Australia, New Zealand and Singapore Governments’ have selected Global Doctor as their official immigration visa check-up provider. The consulates of the UK, Australia, India, USA, and France are also long-term clients.Global Doctor cooperates with the Chinese Hospital Association (CHA) and has established a “Hospital network Department”, which provides clients “the fast track” and VIP service in these associated hospitals. Together with Global Doctor’s own hospital network, clients can be guaranteed access to quality specialists and to be hospitalized immediately, if necessary. There are more than 182 countries in the “Hospital network Department” plan, which provides our Chinese citizens overseas medical assistance, 24-hours-a-day.Global Doctor has been assigned as the outbound medical assistance service provider by People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC), this service is promoted by PICC and the Chinese Desertification Foundation. Global Doctor’s services are able to offer medical security for travelers when overseas and at home, whenever urgent medical care is required. We offer various services from travel assistance to medical expense guarantees.With the increase in travel between China and Taiwan, Global Doctor now co-operates with PICC and Taiwan Life Start medical company to create an “Urgent-Care Membership Plan”. This plan focuses on assistance services for Taiwanese who travel and work in both mainland China and Taiwan.With our business expansion, we are looking for experienced candidates to join us.E-mai:[email protected]环球医生是一家提供全球范围内医疗援助服务的国际医疗机构,总部位于澳大利亚的珀斯,其主营业务为医疗援助、全科门诊、出国体检、驻场诊所和健康管理。环球医生自1999 年进入中国,致力于在中国推广和发展国际标准的全科医疗服务模式,先后设立了沈阳、成都、重庆、长沙、广州、东莞、南京等全科诊所,为在华的外籍人士提供会员制家庭医生服务和就医帮助,为他们在中国的商务、旅行、学习等提供方便、快捷的医疗服务和强有力的就医保障。此外,我们在诺基亚、西门子、英特尔、威德福公司和广东的国际学校均建有驻场诊所,为这些公司和学校的员工和学生提供医疗服务。环球医生还与全球各大保险公司合作,通过其设在北京的24小时报警中心,在第一时间为客户提供医疗援助,并帮助那些危重病人转运到世界各地。环球医生因其严谨的工作方式和专业的医疗服务质量,得到了澳大利亚、新西兰和新加坡大使馆的认可,被上述使馆指定为出国体检机构。环球医生各个诊所均严格按照使馆要求,每年为逾万人次出国人士进行体检,形成了一整套完善的、专业的体检模式。在多年来积累的体检经验基础上,我们还为健康人群提供健康体检服务。根据健康和亚健康人群的身体状况,为他们量身订做体检套餐,并根据体检结果制定科学的健康管理方案。为了保证给客户提供最及时的医疗援助,环球医生与国内医院合作,建立了一个遍及国内的医院网络体系,为客户提供VIP绿色通道服务。通过医院网络体系,客户能够方便地预约各科专家和手术住院等,并享受到高品质的VIP尊贵服务。此外,我们在海外有遍及184个国家的医疗网络,全天24小时为中国公民提供海外医疗援助。环球医生通过在中国近十年的发展,在外籍人士和国内高端医疗市场树立起了良好的品牌形象,培育了一批稳定的客户。多年来,一直为福特、英特尔、BP、ABB、依维科、宝马、西门子、法国航空公司等知名外资企业服务,同时,英国、澳大利亚、印度、美国、法国等领事馆工作人员也是我们长期的客户。我们不仅为企业高层管理人员提供家庭医生服务,而且也为企业建立内部诊所、实施急救培训、员工健康管理等服务,全方位为企业进行健康管理的指导、实施和评估。目前,环球医生与中国人保财险公司(PICC)共同推出“中国公民出境医疗保险”产品,为中国公民出境旅行提供医疗保障,环球医生是唯一指定的紧急医疗援助服务提供商。环球医生还与PICC、台湾生命之星三方合作共同开发了“两岸急难援助”会员产品,为大陆和台湾地区的台湾同胞提供紧急医疗援助服务。作为传统旅行保险的补充,环球医生的援助服务可以提供迅速及时的人性化关怀,在精神上给旅行者以安慰。当旅行者遭受意外事故受伤需要医疗救治或身处逆境急待脱险却语言不通时,环球医生将为客户提供旅行援助及医疗费用垫付。环球医生的援助服务为保险公司的旅行保险提供了强有力的产品支持和服务附加值。随着环球医生在中国地区的业务拓展,诚聘英才加入我们的团队。邮箱地址:[email protected]


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