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company introductionalfmeier automotive systems (shanghai) co., ltd. is a wholly owned foreign enterprise of alfmeier praezision ag germany. the scope of our activities is import and export of systems and components in the areas of fuel management, seating comfort and engine systems, as well as tools and equipment for production of above mentioned.we acquire business opportunity from major oems in china, like svw and sgm. with engineering support from germany, we transfer production to manufacturing partner in china. in addition, we support headquarter on local sourcing activities.·alfmeier, past and presentalfmeier was formed in germany in the 1960’s. walter alfmeier sold the company to mr. hans j. gebhardt in 1976, and the name “alfmeier” was retained based on an excellent reputation and an established brand as a high quality plastic injection moulding company. from 1976 until 1982, the corporation was managed by mr. gebhardt, who successfully laid the foundation for alfmeier’s strong automotive business in germany and throughout europe. alfmeier’s journey towards becoming a product and system expert in valve and fuel system technology was underway. the company achieved steady increases in sales volumes and profits and gained a strong reputation in the european automotive industry. upon mr. gebhardt’s sudden death in 1982, his wife, mrs. ute gebhardt, took control of the company supported by a team of senior managers. in early 1990’s the leadership role was assumed by the sons of hans and ute, markus and andreas gebhardt.in 1998, alfmeier präzision ag was formally restructured with the majority of corporate ownership being divided between markus and andreas gebhardt, with a minority ownership acquired by strategic partners. the repositioning of the company was completed to support additional aggressive growth opportunities for alfmeier as the global company continues in its efforts to become a world-wide automotive supplier.since its inception, alfmeier präzision ag has been headquartered in the town of weißenburg, in bavaria, germany. in additional to being the home of the majority of alfmeier global production, the nearby treuchtlingen facility utilizes state of the art testing and engineering facilities to develop new advanced products and processes. germany started production in the summer of 1991, and in 2001, production started in a new facility in the czech republic.by 2002, alfmeier had truly become a global automotive player. two facilities in germany, one facility in the czech republic, manufacturing in the united states and in the united mexican states, combined with a sales and program management office in paris, represents alfmeier throughout europe and north america. these days alfmeier also has presence in korea and in the peoples republic of china, to make the company uniquely able to support it’s customers across the globe.·statements of vision, mission and qualityvision:alfmeier is committed to being a total quality management company, with a global reputation for excellence according to our customers, associates, financial partners, and the communities and environment where we are located. alfmeier is focused on being a desirable partner in all relationships, utilizing our proactive and entrepreneurial philosophy to guarantee a successful future.mission:to achieve a significant presence in the chinese automotive industry as a respected, technologically advanced leader in fuel, engine systems and seating comfort products, and to be recognized for world class manufacturing and management practices, superior quality products, extraordinary responsiveness to our customer’s needs and desires, financial stability anchored by a strong and growing market share, and commitment to a positive work environment for our associates.艾福迈汽车系统(上海)有限公司是一家德国独资公司。公司主要经营范围:开发,生产以及加工暖通配件和汽车零部件及生产汽车零部件所需的模具和设备,销售自产产品,提供相关的技术咨询和售后服务,上述产品及同类商品(特定商品除外)的批发,佣金代理(拍卖出外),进出口以及相关配套服务。alfmeier praezision ag公司总部设在位于德国巴伐利亚的魏森堡,并将这里打造成为艾福迈公司主要的全球生产基地。同时其附近的特罗伊希特林根工厂也采用具有现代技术水平的检测和工程设施,开发出最先进的产品和工艺。位于德国的工厂于1991年夏季开始正式投产,设在捷克共和国的新工厂于2001年开始投产。目前,艾福迈公司在全球共有1100名员工,实现总销售收入约1.2亿欧元。·公司的产品乘坐舒适系统 (正在生产)乘坐舒适系统包括用于汽车座椅腰部和其它部位支撑系统,还包括我们欧洲客户最常使用的汽车头枕调节系统。座椅腰部支撑系统的机械装置,在下背部后面形成隆起物,并可设计成像奔驰s级轿车中安装的复杂气动系统,驾车时对身体起到按摩作用。艾福迈公司开发并供应增加乘坐舒适度的所有部件和系统,包括气泵、气囊、机械系统、开关、阀门以及微处理器控制装置燃油管理系统 (计划项目)燃油管理系统是一种集各功能部件为一体的整体装置,用于燃油箱燃料供给、燃油测量、蒸汽排放等。系统包括各种安装在燃油模块中的注模部件,一个燃油模块可安装超过50个独立部件。艾福迈公司的通风技术产品包括排气阀、摇晃止回阀、浮阀、3/2位阀及其它部件。驾驶车辆时,可通过该类部件控制燃油箱燃油补充和排气。另外,该类阀门具有防止蒸汽损失的功能,满足汽车排放要求。在汽车发生意外事故或撞车时防止燃油非正常泄露。发动机系统 (计划项目)alfmeier präzision公司是欧洲最大的闸颊板阀生产商,约占整个欧洲市场份额的60%。闸颊板阀又名止回阀,用于加速器与歧管间的真空管路中或作为安全部件直接安装在加速器中。公司态度艾福迈汽车系统(上海)有限公司充分认识到每一位员工的重要性,以谦恭及尊重的态度对待每个人。我们希望营造一个相互信任的工作氛围,在这里,您和您的同事可以讨论共同面对的问题,制定出令人满意的解决方案。本公司将竭力做好以下几个方面:·为员工提供与我们区域和行业相一致的竞争性工资、薪水及福利待遇;·保持健康安全的工作环境;·公司采取行动与制定计划时将尽可能考虑到您的利益;·维持现有机制,通过各种渠道与您沟通。·平等聘用机会为每位员工提供平等的聘用机会是我们一贯坚持的大政方针。艾福迈汽车系统(上海)有限公司不允许以个人的种族、宗教信仰、肤色、民族出身、血统、残疾、婚姻状况、年龄、性别或其它受保护的原因影响聘用决定,但的确有上述因素要求的职业聘用除外。在聘用、人员配置、职位晋升、工作调动、招聘、宣传、薪水及其它报酬、培训选拔、以及聘用期间的一般待遇方面,我们一贯奉行上述政策。如您有任何问题或担心,请与您的上级联系。如您不能以解决因上述原因造成的问题并获得满意的结果,您可求助公司亚太区总经理。we are currently located in jinqiao export processing zone, will move to shanghai zhangjiang high-tech industrial development zone qingpu park in march 2012.目前公司办公地点在上海浦东新区金藏路351号t22-30 二楼b栋, 由于公司业务发展迅速,3月初将搬迁至新厂房上海张江高新技术产业开发区青浦园区。


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  • 职位需求数:
    35 35 统计近一年职位数据所得
  • 招聘地区分布: 招聘学历分布:
    • 本科
  • +46% 2021年
    +60% 2020年
    -61% 2019年
    +375% 2018年
    +46% +46% 2021年相较于2020年

中文名称 艾福迈汽车系统(上海)有限公司
英文名称 Alfmeier Automotive Systems(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.
企业性质 外商独资
注册资金 20万美元
工商注册号 310115400223979
统一信用代码 91310000660713348R
组织机构代码 660713348
经营状态 存续
成立日期 2007-05-17
营业期限 2037-05-16



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