
7 .4

  • 北京
  • 互联网/电子商务
  • 50-99人
  • 民营企业
  • 领导好
  • 扁平管理
  • 节日礼物
  • 弹性工作
  • 岗位晋升
  • 绩效工资
  • 赞同


北京美地新星软件有限公司(you got listings, inc.)是一家注册于美国当地,由美国风投投资的房地产软件公司,曾进入美最知名创业加速器ycombinator,在美国芝加哥、波士顿等地具有重要业界影响力,公司产品均为自主研发。创始人具有多年华尔街、硅谷及房地产行业工作经验。美地新兴致力于培养创新与严谨并存的高素质it人才,与公司一道创造美好未来。

该公司主要经营两款产品。一. 为房地产经纪、房东提供房源管理、发布和分享平台。二. 通过app为房屋买家提供最真实、准确的房产信息。



you got listings, inc. is real estate software company registered in the u.s., backed by silicon valley investments and has gone through the prominent incubator, y combinator. with self developed products, the company is a dominant force in the chicago and boston real estate markets. the two founders have extended experience in working on wall street, silicon valley and the real estate industry. you got listings is focused on nurturing innovative and dependable high quality it personnel in working together with the company to create a brighter future.

the company currently offers two products, one is an advertising and sharing platform for real estate brokers and landlords. the other is a consumer facing mobile app in providing accurate and timely real estate property updates.

other than offering above market compensation, the company will also provide paid holidays and annual leave, the 5 insurances and one housing fund, paid lunches, flexible working hours, and employee revenue sharing.

office is located at bei xin qiao tech temple, a co-working space. it is within the second ring, next to the subway stop for easy transportation. it is also right next to gui jie for those culinary lovers. tech temple hosts various events ranging from famous speakers to company parties for you to meet new friends and develop lasting relationships, providing everyone a high quality working environment.


53% 53%
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中文名称 北京美地新星软件有限公司
企业性质 民营企业
所属行业 互联网/电子商务
公司所在地 北京
详细地址 东城区东四北大街107号天海商务大厦b座107(科技寺)
注册资金 n/a
工商注册号 110108014119529
统一信用代码 91110108580880111W
组织机构代码 580880111
经营状态 注销
成立日期 2011-08-04
营业期限 2041-08-03



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