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horwath htl is a member of horwath international, a professional association of accounting and management consulting firms founded in new york in 1915. horwath international is currently ranked among the top ten international professional service groups with offices in close to 400 cities in 88 countries and an annual combined turnover in excess of us$2.2 billion.
though featuring many specialties amongst its service lines, horwath's expertise in the hotel industry was established at its outset with the creation of the uniform systems of accounts for hotels - a system so successful it has become the international industry standard for hospitality accounting. since then, horwath has published numerous books and studies on industry topics, including hotel/motel development (1984, in conjunction with the urban land institute), the definitive guide to the history and complexities of the hotel industry and the development process.
through the years, horwath has been recognized as the pre-eminent consulting specialist in the hotel, tourism and leisure industries by providing unequalled experience and expertise for client projects around the world through a combination of detailed local knowledge and international understanding. a focus on maintaining an independent consulting role further ensures that horwath results can be relied upon by both clients and interested third parties.
we adhere to horwath international's stringent criteria to maintain the highest standards of client service and practice commitment that are monitored through a rigorous system of quality controls and upheld by our seasoned professional consultants, all with direct industry experience.
no one is better qualified and positioned to assist clients in succeeding with their hotel, tourism and leisure projects, assets and investments than the horwath hotel, tourism and leisure group.

浩华国际服务的专长领域涉及多方面,但其酒店及旅游业顾问服务的源动力来自于20世纪50年代浩华为国际酒店业创立的《统一酒店会计制度》(uniform systems of accounts for hotels)。发展至今,《统一酒店会计制度》已经成为国际酒店业的会计标准,得到了业界的广泛推崇和使用。不仅如此,在漫长的发展历程中,浩华进行了无数酒店领域的专业研究,并出版了诸多专业书刊。其中,最具有代表性的着作是《酒店开发》(hotel / motel development)(与美国urban land institute 合作,于1984年出版),该书是了解酒店业发展历史和现状、酒店业复杂性特征和酒店专业开发步骤的重要指南。




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