七尚酒店(lohkah hotel & spa )

8 .1

  • 厦门
  • 50-99人
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七尚酒店(lohkah hotel & spa )简介

lohkah hotel amp; spa七尚酒店坐拥私人海岸线,毗邻新兴经济中心,酒店拥有得天独厚的地理位置。其品牌lohkah的灵感源自梵语loka,意为吾之灵悦世界,引领宾客专注于疗愈、重焕与探索真我的灵感升华。酒店建筑风格植根于本地丰富的历史文化。188间新中式美学的客房及套房,皆配置专属阳光露台,并尊享翠绿庭院或海湾景致;宾客可于两间特色餐厅、酒吧、书廊愉悦味蕾;于可容纳500宾客的商务空间孕育灵感;亦可于水疗中心放松身心。酒店提供一系列定制服务,旨在重新定义奢华度假酒店新标准。nestled in front of xiamen's magnificent oceanfront and minutes away from the capital's most vibrant business district, lohkah draws its inspiration from the sanskrit word loka meaning of "world, universe cosmos, dimensions, or plane of existence". architecturally rooted in the rich heritage of the province, the hotel welcomes guests into our 188 luxuriously appointed guest rooms and suites, designed with contemporary décor and modern minimalist finshes facing unparalleled landscape views of the ocean. two restaurants, bars and lounges, meeting spaces for up to 500 guests, and a comprehensive wellness offering at the spa at lohkah redefine the standards of luxury hospitality in the region and beyond.lohkah七尚酒店spa火热招聘中!请携带一寸照片于每周一,三,五经地下停车场收货平台进出!

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