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爱达克集团成立于1969年,总部位于德国福尔达,拥有超过4000名的专业设计工程师。作为全世界最大的独立开发商,爱达克于2004年进军中国市场,成立爱达克车辆设计(上海)有限公司,坐落于上海著名的“安亭汽车城”,迄今为止我们已经有近200名的专业设计工程师,20名左右的外籍专家,专门从事汽车整车系统及概念的开发和设计。爱达克根据用户要求,开发新概念和提供工程设计解决方案,以满足未来的交通领域需要。除了整车系统、汽车衍生产品及模具,爱达克公司还进行建模、样车、特种车辆的开发以及小规模的生产。the edag group, whose head office was founded in fulda, germany in1969, has more than 6600 professional design engineers all over the world.as the world’s largest independent engineering partner, edag entered the chinese market in 2004 and established edag engineering and design (shanghai) co.,ltd., which is located in the famous anting automobile city. until now edag shanghai has almost 200 professional design engineers, including 20 foreign specialists. edag specializes in the development and design of vehicle systems and concepts.according to the requirements of our customers, edag offers new concepts and solutions of engineering design to meet the demands of the transportation field in the future. apart from offering vehicle systems, vehicles and derivatives and modules, we also supply module building, prototype construction, and development and production of special vehicles.上海市区 1号班车 route 1:7:05 qi xin rd. & zhong yi rd. → 7:35 xinzhuang station (line 1) east xinjian rd. (in the parking lot)→ 8:30 edag shanghai.早上7:05于七莘路中谊路出发,于7:35至地铁1号线莘庄站 (莘建东路广通路口,停车场内) ,于8:30到达爱达克上海。上海市区 2号班车 route 2:7:25 mandarine city → 7:28 cross of yan an rd. & shui cheng rd. (opposite shang mira garden) → 7:33 cross of shui cheng rd. & mao tai rd. → 7:40 middle of gate no. 1 and gate no.4, wei ning rd. (metro line 2) → 8:30 edag shanghai.早上7:25自名都城出发,于7:28 至延安路水城路口(美丽华对面),于7:33至水城路茅台路口,于7:40至地铁2号线威宁路站1号口和4号口中间,于8:30到达爱达克上海。上海市区 3号班车 route 3:7:05 century avenue, metro line 2/4/6/9, exit no.12. → 7:30 cross of zheng tong rd. & guo he rd. (close to xiang yin rd., metro line 8) → 7:50 cross of wen shui rd.& hu tai rd. (close to xing zhi rd., metro line 7) → 8:30 edag shanghai早上7:05自地铁2/4/6/9浦东世纪大道站,12号出口出发, 于7:30 至政通路国和路口,杨浦区老干部活动中心门口,于7:50至汶水路沪太路口,于8:30到达爱达克上海。嘉定城区 4号班车 route 4:7:55 cross of ta cheng rd. & gao chang rd. → 8:00 qun yu rd. (gate of 1st nan yuan village) → 8:02 yu ming rd. & fu hai rd. → 8:05 nan yuan school → 8:10 yu min rd. (gate of qingshuiyi yuan) → 8:30 edag shanghai早上7:55 塔城路高昌路口出发,于8:00至裕民路 (即南苑1村门口),于8:05至南苑小学门口,于8:10至清水颐园正门口,于8:30到达爱达克上海。安亭镇 5号班车 route 5:7:55 front door of hilton hotel → 8:00 cross of an li road & south mo yu road → 8:05 anting bus station →8:10 cross of west fu kang road & mo yu road→ 8:15 :cross of min feng road & xin yuan road → 8:30 edag shanghai早上7:50 昆山花桥站希尔顿大酒店前门口,于8:00至安亭新镇安礼路墨玉南路路口,于8:05至安亭汽车站门口,于8:10至市民广场阜康西路墨玉路路口,于8:15至安亭新源路站民丰路新源路路口,于8:30到达爱达克上海。traffic information:1. 地铁2号线江苏路站, 或者地铁3,4号线曹阳路站换乘地铁11号线至安亭站,下来,打车15分钟至公司(20元左右)。2. 地铁3/4号线,中潭路站下来,在高架下面坐陆安高速(大概50分钟可到安亭), 接到底安亭,打车过来(12元左右)。3. 地铁11号线安亭路站转乘安亭2路至园大路园区路下来直接到公司门口。4. 从上海虹桥机场/上海浦东国际机场乘坐地铁2号线至江苏路站, 换乘地铁11号线至安亭站下车, 在墨玉南路新词大酒店门口乘坐安亭2路至园大路园区路站, 下车即到。5. 上海南站乘坐地铁3号线/上海火车站乘坐地铁3号或4号线至曹阳路站, 换乘地铁11号线至安亭站下车, 在墨玉南路新词大酒店门口乘坐安亭2路至园大路园区路站, 下车即到。6.2号线淞虹路站,福泉路天山西路交叉口乘安虹线,1个小时到安亭地铁站转安亭2路即可。


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