
7 .6

  • 兰州
  • 影视/媒体/艺术/文化传播
  • 少于50人
  • 双休
  • 社保
  • 正式合同
  • 赞同


兰州张欣结构英语培训学校是一家致力于培养学生英语综合能力的专业英语培训机构。旗下所涉及的业务包括中学英语教育以及特色英语拓展。其中,中学生英语教育已有17年的发展历史, 在兰州享有极高的声誉,所培养出的学生已遍布世界各地。其前身为kingsky english training center,特色英语拓展业务则涉及美式英文口语班,英文实景教学班,国际音标班和b-box英语说唱班。

kingsky english structure training center is a professional english training institution aiming at cultivating the comprehensive english language ability for students. the business segments include high school english education program specializing for the collage entrance exam, and premium feature english courses for students to build up their integrated language systems based on their own traits and advantages, covering reading, listening, speaking and writing. the high school english education program has been going through 17 years of development history with an extremely high reputation in lanzhou and huge numbers of alumni all around the world. the premium feature courses will cover american spoken english practice, english live teaching, international phonetic alphabet training and b-box english rap learning.?




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